Thursday, January 30, 2014

 In memory of S'iyo S'unka (She-yo Shun-ka) 

Oct, 2003 to Jan, 2014

In memory of the best Trail Dog, Protector, Companion, Teacher & Student, Helper, and the best Co-Host and all around Best Friend Ever.
Forever loved, forever missed.
See you on the other side my Friend.
S'iyo S'unka. Oct, 2003 - Jan, 13, 2014.
I had written 2/3 of this song after my Grandfather had taken the Journey (passed on) back in the 90's. Although I'd always considered it incomplete I still performed it from time to time. I always knew however that it was incomplete. So eventually I shelved the song and forgot about it altogether.
It wasn't until S'iyo's last week with us that for some reason I pulled it out and begin working on it again. Only unlike in the past the words seem to flow through my pen like water through a sieve. In some ways when that happens I'm a little freaked out. Although it's one thing to have a song spill out of you in a matter of hours or even a day, to contemplate the finishing of a song for years yielding no results at all and then to pick it up a more than a decade down the road and finishing it in a matter of minutes can, well let's face it, be a little freaky. One must therefore wonder if those things are really ours in entirety. Did I write a song or did I simply collide with its interpretation of the universe first at one end and then the other. With a whole lot of living and learning to do in between. Perhaps I would not have been able to understand these words at that time. As if they were written in some foreign language and I'd just produced them all prior to knowing the language it was written in. In either case it is completed now. And I truly feel like I have come full circle. But as you know the circle doesn't end here. It simply continues from here.
~The Disabled Hiker